Portfolios Shortcodes
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Recent Portfolios
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- Erasmus
The "Developing need-based entrepreneurial competences and showing opportunities in entrepreneurship - Activating potentials for sustainable economic development in rural regions" [DECO] project contributes to inclusion and diversity in education and adopting VET to labor market needs by strengthening learners in entrepreneurship enhancing employability and equipping learners with necessary skills...
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The project "Building Inclusive Civic Engagement and Solidarity Among Diverse Young People in Europe" [ParticipACTION] aims to increase young people's involvement in decision-making by fostering transnational partnerships that engage young citizens in various events such as research initiatives, roundtables, transnational workshops, conferences, training sessions, advocacy activities, and debates. These...
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- Erasmus
The "Developing need-based entrepreneurial competences and showing opportunities in entrepreneurship - Activating potentials for sustainable economic development in rural regions" [DECO] project contributes to inclusion and diversity in education and adopting VET to labor market needs by strengthening learners in entrepreneurship enhancing employability and equipping learners with necessary skills...
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The project "Building Inclusive Civic Engagement and Solidarity Among Diverse Young People in Europe" [ParticipACTION] aims to increase young people's involvement in decision-making by fostering transnational partnerships that engage young citizens in various events such as research initiatives, roundtables, transnational workshops, conferences, training sessions, advocacy activities, and debates. These...
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- Erasmus
The "Developing need-based entrepreneurial competences and showing opportunities in entrepreneurship - Activating potentials for sustainable economic development in rural regions" [DECO] project contributes to inclusion and diversity in education and adopting VET to labor market needs by strengthening learners in entrepreneurship enhancing employability and equipping learners with necessary skills...
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The project "Building Inclusive Civic Engagement and Solidarity Among Diverse Young People in Europe" [ParticipACTION] aims to increase young people's involvement in decision-making by fostering transnational partnerships that engage young citizens in various events such as research initiatives, roundtables, transnational workshops, conferences, training sessions, advocacy activities, and debates. These...