Project calls

More attention to menstrual health education

The aim of the youth event of the "Empowerment through menstrual health education" project is to provide the youth with specific tools for promoting health and combating menstrual exclusion, also, to raise awareness among young people about exclusion and menstrual health in their home countries, as well as throughout the European Union. Planned activities: Day 1: familiarization and integration of participants...

Join youth projects in the upcoming months!

Youth exchange "OpenPlay Inclusion" will happen in Portugal (Serra da Estrela) from 21 to 30 May 2024. More information and registration below.   Youth exchange "Emotion Art" will happen in Spain (Sant Joan Despí) from 6 to 14 July 2024. More information and registration below.   Training course "Youth Policy Guardians" will happen in Croatia (Karlovac) from 17 to 23 July 2024. More...

In the frame of upcoming European Parliament elections join youth exchange in Kaunas!

Youth exchange project "EU2YOUTH Volume 2" aims to achieve that young people are more informed and interested in being politically engaged in the EU matters, to know better decision making process of key EU institutions such as European parliament. In this way they would be more informed and better motivated and prepared for the EP elections in 2024. Objectives: 1. To contribute...

Open call – project in North Macedonia!

The training "YOUTH MENTORSHIP FOR SOCIAL CHANGE" aims to empower youth workers to facilitate impactful social innovation projects, fostering positive change in their communities. It is designed to equip youth workers with the knowledge and skills necessary to guide young people through the process of conceiving, developing, and implementing social innovation projects. The activities will be done using a non-formal...

Open call – youth exchange in Spain!

Our main aim of the "Trash Orchestra" project  is to create an awareness on the local community and European level about the environmental awareness and waste management. Thus, the project will contribute to the awareness raising on these issues as well as the recycling and reusing the products which are considered as waste and create an awareness on this...

Gain knowledge in our new European projects!

This spring we are starting with even more opportunities for youth! MANO EUROPA established a strong network with different European organizations in order to provide even more innovative, quality and valuable projects for youngsters who are interested to join international activities. Below you can find projects which currently have an open call for participants. Do not wait the last moment...

OPEN CALL – join youth exchange in KAUNAS!

Jaunimo mainų projektas „Upscale Your Skills“ siekia suteikti jaunimui galimybę tobulinti savo “minkštuosius” įgūdžius, taip pat didinti jaunimo supratimą apie jų svarbą ir kaip tinkamai pritaikomi įgūdžiai gali prisidėti prie jų įsidarbinimo galimybių. Projektu siekiama parodyti kaip pritaikyti šias savybes, jaunimui bus suteikiamos reikalingos žinios apie naujus įgūdžius, padedama susirasti ir sukurti kokybiškas darbo vietas bei pagerinti gyvenimo galimybes...

[October] Open call – Training in North Macedonia!

Drawing on years of experience in the youth field, the project team has identified a critical need to enhance the quality and impact of youth work for young people with fewer opportunities by improving the competencies of youth workers in using sport and outdoor learning tools and methodologies. These competencies are applicable not only in the educational field but...

[November] Youth exchange in beautiful Sevilla – open call!

The youth exchange "Introduction to Deep Adaptation" aims to encourage young participants to take an active role in their local communities to show the members of their communities their values, thoughts and interest, and become better integrated and accepted. The main goals is to enable youth to express their interest and active citizenship in their local communities to work...