Title and Description


The "Developing need-based entrepreneurial competences and showing opportunities in entrepreneurship - Activating potentials for sustainable economic development in rural regions" [DECO] project contributes to inclusion and diversity in education and adopting VET to labor market needs by strengthening learners in entrepreneurship enhancing employability and equipping learners with necessary skills...


The project "Building Inclusive Civic Engagement and Solidarity Among Diverse Young People in Europe" [ParticipACTION] aims to increase young people's involvement in decision-making by fostering transnational partnerships that engage young citizens in various events such as research initiatives, roundtables, transnational workshops, conferences, training sessions, advocacy activities, and debates. These...


The Erasmus+ KA210 "Smart-Social Rural Entrepreneurship Programme" project aims to increase the social entrepreneurship skills of young farmers and to provide rural youth with knowledge, skills and experience in agriculture and technology-oriented job opportunities by supporting the capacity development of local youth workers and developing cooperation with youth organizations...

Empowerment through menstrual health education

The small-scale project "Empowerment through menstrual health education" involves three countries (Poland, Lithuania and Spain) and aim to exchange experiences of the organization's staff, their ways and methods of working with youth through non-formal education with a special focus on those at risk of exclusion and those with disabilities....


The youth exchange project “EU2YOUTH - Volume 2” aims encourage more young people to be aware and engaged in EU matters, its institutions, in particular European Parliament and decision making processes. We want to provide knowledge and space for young people to discuss democracy, strengthen European values and create an opportunity...


The EATWISE project aims to empower young people with migrant and local background through the use of tools to adopt a sustainable lifestyle that aligns with addressing climate change, while also promoting health. Through online culinary courses, online cooking shows, offline trainings, we will teach plant-based recipes that are...


PLANSHIELD aims to raise awareness about the worrying situation of single-use plastic and provide innovative educational tools for youth workers to work on this issue in their organisations. The project follows the strategy of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in several areas, such as quality youth education, climate action...

Upscale Your Skills

Due to globalization and fast digital transition many young people in Europe are faced with not adequate soft and employment skills together with the need to find opportunities to improve these skills to keep up with the demanding labor market needs. As per EU's "Skills Agenda for Europe" where...