Registration for “EU Youth Zone” debates!

Registration for “EU Youth Zone” debates!

Mano Europa is a partner in the project EU Youth Zone funded by the Europe for Citizens programme.

“EU Youth Zone” takes multilevel approach to activate young people to use their voices and express their views and opinions on EU, to understand European citizenship and Euroscepticism and develop ideas for future Europe, especially in the light of Covid-19 pandemic.

Mano Europa will organize competition where different topics will be debated (such as “Freedom of movement is a human right”, “Borders exist for a reason”, “EU is an inclusive concept”, “Being a member of EU, every country loses its identity”, “Borders should be closed due to Covid-19”, “Right extremists groups are not danger for a country”, “EU was a true example of solidarity during the pandemics”, “Balkan countries should enter EU” etc).

– 8 teams (consisting of 3 members each).
– Residents or citizens of Lithuania.
– Age: 16+ years old.

Date: 29th January, 2022
Venue: Kaunas

THE WINNERS of the debate competition will win an opportunity to participate in the “EU Zone Conference” which will be implemented in Serbia between 7-11 June, 2022. Travel, accommodation, food will be covered by the organizers.

We are inviting you to register either with your TEAM OF 3 MEMBERS or INDIVIDUALLY (and join another team)!

Do not miss an opportunity to improve your debating skills by getting to know and practicing Karl Popper debate method.

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