News about “Youth on a caravan” around Italy!

News about “Youth on a caravan” around Italy!

Youth on a Caravan (YOAC) is a journey through the political participation of young people. After the training activities, the group of young people from Spain, Lithuania, Romania, Italy and Croatia set off on a journey through Italy, which started on 7 July and will last a whole month, until 30 July.

The journey has begun with training and cohabitation activities in Fittà di Soave, a small town in the province of Verona. The first week was in fact dedicated to the Social Summer School, a series of meetings and sessions to discuss and exchange ideas with national and international experts on the most topical political and social issues, and meetings with other local, national and international realities. Democracy and human rights were discussed with journalist Jessica Cugini, migration with Jacopo from the organisation One Bridge To Idomeni, environmental protection in the Lessinia Natural Park, the newly elected mayor of the city of Soave, and many other meetings. The young people lived together, sharing not only school, ideas and discussions, but also many aspects and activities of everyday life. This is what turns school into a life experience!

Now, the young people have climbed into a caravan and started their new adventure: 14 days of travelling through places relevant to the social and political issues addressed during the Summer School and during the training activities over the past months. The itinerary crosses Italy, touching on relevant places including the Path of the Italian Constitution in Barbiana; Naples (Scampia) and Riace Mare; Cinisi-Palermo-Capaci, symbolic places of the fight against the Mafia; Lampedusa, the island where the dramas of migration take place; Cinquefondi (Reggio Calabria) and finally Rome. The activities will not only include visits to places of political interest, but also meetings with prominent personalities.

Stay tuned for updates on our group of young people, protagonists of the project!

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