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OPEN CALL – join youth exchange in KAUNAS!

Jaunimo mainų projektas „Upscale Your Skills“ siekia suteikti jaunimui galimybę tobulinti savo “minkštuosius” įgūdžius, taip pat didinti jaunimo supratimą apie jų svarbą ir kaip tinkamai pritaikomi įgūdžiai gali prisidėti prie jų įsidarbinimo galimybių. Projektu siekiama parodyti kaip pritaikyti šias savybes, jaunimui bus suteikiamos reikalingos žinios apie naujus įgūdžius, padedama susirasti ir sukurti kokybiškas darbo vietas bei pagerinti gyvenimo galimybes...

Y2EU training for youth workers in Osijek, Croatia

From September 4th to 8th, 15 youth workers from four different countries visited Osijek, Croatia to participate in training. The main purpose of the training was to equip them with valuable tools and knowledge to light up the passion for European Union (EU) matters in young minds. Moreover, this training aimed to develop skills in youth workers, needed to...

Youth exchange on sustainability happened in Denmark!

"Think sustainable, act responsible" was a youth exchange implemented between 12-21 July 2023 in Aulum, Denmark. The project gathering 36 youngsters from Cyprus, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and Denmark. This project intended to raise participants' understanding and knowledge on the concept of sustainable development and its environmental, economic, social and cultural dimensions. In the same time, it aimed to foster the...

[November] Youth exchange in beautiful Sevilla – open call!

The youth exchange "Introduction to Deep Adaptation" aims to encourage young participants to take an active role in their local communities to show the members of their communities their values, thoughts and interest, and become better integrated and accepted. The main goals is to enable youth to express their interest and active citizenship in their local communities to work...

“Europe is Female” – join the activities in 4 European cities!

The aim of the project "Europe is Female" is to portray female European role models through diverse artistic creation, also, to portray not so well known but important female and create space for them to create the artworks. During activities female participants will be guided through the process by diverse artists that will introduce them to some form of...

Domina Europos Parlamento darbas? Kviečiame registruotis į mokymus Kroatijoje.

Norėtum sužinoti kaip dirba Europos Parlamentas? Domina kaip priimami sprendimai Europos Parlamente? Kviečiame registruotis ir dalyvauti mokymuose REGISTRACIJA ČIA. Šių mokymų pagrindinis tikslas - suteikti dalyviams žinių apie Europos Parlamento simuliacinį žaidimą, kurį būtų galima pritaikyti ir praktikuoti kasdieniame darbe su jaunimu. Taip pat šie mokymai sieks suteikti dalyviams geresnį supratimą apie Europos Sąjungos sprendimų priėmimo procesą bei ugdyti įgūdžius...

“EU2YOUTH”: Empowering Youth for Political Engagement and European Values

From June 7th to 15th, youth exchange called EU2YOUTH took place in the city of Kaunas. The exchange brought together 31 enthusiastic participants from Lithuania, Czechia, Italy, Estonia, and Croatia. EU2YOUTH aimed to foster political awareness, engage young minds in the European decision-making process, and strengthen European values through interactive discussions and simulation activities. One of the primary objectives of...

Online konferencija jaunimui su Matu Maldeikiu!

Džiaugiamės galėdami pakviesti Jus į neįtikėtiną galimybę pabendrauti su savo atstovu LR Seime! Liepos 13 d. 16:00 val. dalyvaukite NEMOKAMAME internetiniame susitikime ir sužinokite daugiau apie EP darbo svarbą! ▪️Data: Liepos 13 d. ▪️Laikas: 16:00 val. ▪️Trukmė: 1 val. Renginys internetu: Prisijunkite iš bet kurios pasaulio vietos! ➡️ Registracija ČIA. Online renginio tema: Europos Parlamento rinkimai 2024m. Pagrindinė nagrinėjama problema: Kodėl Europos Parlamento rinkimai vis dar nėra...

“Youth2EUrope” Youth meeting in Setubal

Youth Meeting of the "Youth2EUrope" project was held in Setùbal (Portugal) from 1 to 7 May 2023. The meeting involved 25 young participants from all the countries involved: Italy, Lithuania, Croatia and Portugal for 7 days of activities on the topics such as democracy, European Political Agenda for 2019-2024, European Parliament functions and powers, as well as upcoming European...