PBA “Europe meets the overseas” just finished!
Between 19 – 24 March, 2022 MANO EUROPA team attended Partnership Building Activity “Europe meets the overseas” in Aruba which aimed to create a strong network of contacts and partnerships between European overseas territories and European mainland which would lead to the development of future quality Erasmus+ youth exchange projects.
The project involved non-governmental organisations from European mainland and European overseas territories. What is more, this project equipped youth workers from European mainland and European overseas territories with new skills, knowledge and tools that helped them to become active members of their local communities.
The main objectives of this project were the following:
– To create a strong network of contacts and partnerships between European overseas territories and European mainland in order to develop future quality Erasmus+ youth exchange projects.
– To understand what is needed to plan a good quality Erasmus+ youth exchange project;
– To experience the possibilities of local involvement;
– To understand what impact and social change a youth exchange can have for the local community;
– To create minimum 5 youth exchange projects based on the needs and issues of participating countries local communities and these projects will be applied in the upcoming two deadlines of Erasmus+.
– To promote active participation of young people from European overseas territories and European mainland in Erasmus+ projects.
The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.