April 2023
Youth exchange in the capital of SERBIA
Youth exchange "Social Inclusion: ACT I" aims to: Develop participant’s competencies in the areas of addressing stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination, and social exclusion. Increase their understanding of the impact of negative stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination and social exclusion on youth development. Raise their awareness on the situation of young people facing stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination, and social exclusion with the aim to...
Focus group – youth perception of the EU
🔙 Previous week we organized a focus group for youngsters to gather in-depth knowledge about youth perception of the EU and youth active participation in civic and democratic life. The focus group was based on the findings of the first part of the research implemented through the online questionnaire in the period of January and March of 2023 that...
Best practices for youth engagement in environmental protection
Association "Mano Europa" (Lithuania) together with partners "Hopeland" (Greece) and "Associazione di promozione sociale Kora" (Italy) implementing Erasmus+ Small scale project “Green compass for Europe” Project No. 2022-1-LT02-KA210-YOU-000082589 (hereinafter - Project) that aims to raise awareness about environmental challenges and climate-change among youth, also, to inform, involve and educate youth in the topic of sustainability in our daily lives...
Kviečiame dalyvauti fokuso grupėje/diskucijoje apie jaunimo dalyvavimą politiniuose procesuose!
Asociacija "Mano Europa" šių metų balandžio 5d. 17 val. organizuoja fokuso grupę/diskucijas, renginio metu bus siekiama skatinti jaunų žmonių interesą įsitraukti į politinius procesus. Kas yra fokuso grupė? Fokuso grupė - grupinė diskusija vedama moderatoriaus, pagal iš anksto parengtą pokalbio planą. Tai nedidelė kruopščiai atrinktų dalyvių grupė, kuri prisideda prie atvirų diskusijų pasitelkiant dialogo formą. Fokuso grupės dalyvių skaičius yra ribotas 8-15 dalyvių....
MoMoEU: More Monitoring action in the EU!
Raising awareness and disseminating civic competences for active citizenship is essential to increase the fight against corruption, and young people are a key pillar in this vision. From housing shortages to inequality in education, corruption is at the root of many of the problems facing youth today. Within this framework, we have embarked on a project that aims to empower...
Enhancing European Identity through Intercultural Learning: A Project Focused on Empowering Youth
“EU citizenship is a balance between freedom to be different, unique, have your own cultural values, traditions, rights, attitude and responsibility of your actions, tolerance, treating every person equally, taking care of your environment.” These are the thoughts of one of Lithuanian participants after the training course in the project “Enhancing European Identity through Intercultural Learning” that took place on...
Youth exchange in PORTUGAL
Youth Exchange "Equality in Sports" aims to use sports as a methods and way to overcome inequalities in different areas and to integrate minorities. The practice of sports activities can play a major role in human development, not only on a physical level but on a cognitive level as well. Sports practice has been associated with the positive development of...
Youth exchange Luxembourg!
Through a series of workshops, youth exchange "Be a better version of yourself, BE ACTIVE!" focus on promoting a broad outreach, uptake and ownership of healthy lifestyles, by experimenting different physical activities that an individual can introduce in their daily life and by encouraging healthy habits to become more active and healthier. The workshops will be supported by non-formal methods....