Project Description

Together with our partners from different European countries and by involving 30 youngsters in our project we want to promote more active and healthy lifestyle of young people and increase their physical activity despite the quarantine and lock-downs which changed people’s behavior in this regards. We want to ensure young people in our communities are more keen to continue with their physical activity as before the pandemic rather than shifting attention to the use of phones and spending more time watching movies.

Therefore, objectives of the projects are following:
– Create a network of motivated young people aiming to promote physical activity, cultural heritage, by using traditional sport games as a tool, and positive attitudes in their local communities;
– Raise awareness and gain new experiences about importance of physical activity during crisis situations such as current COVID-19 pandemic;
– Increase knowledge and gain competences on how traditional sport games can be used as tool of raising physical activity and educating of traditions and cultural heritage to youngsters, including young people with fewer opportunities;
– Improving the life quality in European cities and communities, increasing the levels of physical activity participation and integrating physical activity into the everyday lives by raising awareness, sharing knowledge and experiences about its benefits, and providing practical tools for the promotion of healthy and active lifestyle.

Our project consisted of two main activities:

  1. Preparatory meeting – attended by the youth leaders from 5 participating countries and a facilitator (in total 6 people).
  2. Youth exchange – a 7 working day youth exchange gathering 30 young participants in Kaunas, Lithuania.

Tangible results of the project:
Minimum 8 tools/sport games for increasing awareness about our traditions and youth physical activity will be produced, which will serve as long-term tools and benefit to facilitators, youth leaders, trainers, NGO’s and everyone interested in using these traditional games as a way of enhancing physical activity.
– One of the expected results is that until end of this project at least 2 new projects as the continuation to this project partnership will be jointly created and applied.


Preparatory meeting was implemented 18-20 April, 2023

Youth exchange was implemented 10-18 May, 2023.

🇪🇺 The project “Physical Activity in Community transforming society” is co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of European Union.