Project Description

The youth exchange project “EU 2 YOUTH” aims to achieve that young people are more informed and interested in being politically engaged in the EU matters, to know better decision making process of key EU institutions such as European parliament. In this way they would be more informed and better motivated and prepared for the EP elections in 2024.

European Parliament elections are coming up we decided to identify the needs which we could cover with this mobility project in order to enhance active participation in democratic and political life of young people across EU and to bring them experience of key EU institution (EP) and its decision making model to their communities.

This multi regional partnership consortium consists out of countries who accessed EU in different times (Italy being a long time member, Czechia, Lithuania and Estonia entering when it was biggest EU enlargement and Croatia as youngest member of the EU) in order to bring to young people different realities.

The projects aims to address the following objectives:
1. To contribute to a more politically-aware, politically-engaged youth by analyzing level of political engagement of youth
2. To familiarize youth with the institutions of the European union, focusing on European Parliament, and its decision making process
3. To provide knowledge and space for youth to discuss democracy, fundamental rights and to strengthen European values
4. Opportunity for young people to express their views and stimulate active participation by actually experiencing decision-making process through the simulation methods.

The project will consist of two main activities:

  1. Preparatory meeting – attended by the youth leaders from 5 participating countries and a facilitator (in total 6 people).
  2. Youth exchange – a 7 working day youth exchange gathering 31 young participants in Kaunas, Lithuania. Age: between 18-26 years old.


  1. Preparatory meeting – May, 2023
  2. Youth exchange: 7-15 June, 2023 (7th June arrival, 15th June departure).


The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.