I know my rights

I know my rights

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Project Description

Youth exchange “I know my rights” took place in Kaunas, Lithuania in September, 2019 and brought young people from Lithuania, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Italy.

Objectives of the project:

1. Increase knowledge and understanding about International Labour Standards on employment; discrimination, while applying to an open position or during the work. Occupational safety, health and social security among young people and how to react in case of abusing their rights.
2. Empower young people in personal development by acquisition of necessary competences (writing motivation letter, preparing CV, searching and applying for job, etc), which are needed to make smooth gradual transition to labor market, education or training.
3. Increase awareness among young people about variety of opportunities for study, training and employment (support programmes, ESC, Erasmus for young entrepreneurs, etc).
4. Enhance employability and improve career prospects of young people from the minority groups that are in highest risk of unemployment, not in training like romas and refugees. As well, as people coming from problematic families or orphanage.
5. Promote Erasmus+ programme and non-formal education.

Project results:

During the project participants increased their knowledge about labor rights, also, their knowledge about employment rights. Young people from 6 different countries obtained practical experience of working in intercultural environment.

🇪🇺 Project was funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.