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April 2024

January 2024

October 2023





The EATWISE project aims to empower young people with migrant and local background through the use of tools to adopt a sustainable lifestyle that aligns with addressing climate change, while also promoting health. Through online culinary courses, online cooking shows, offline trainings, we will teach plant-based recipes that are...


PLANSHIELD aims to raise awareness about the worrying situation of single-use plastic and provide innovative educational tools for youth workers to work on this issue in their organisations. The project follows the strategy of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in several areas, such as quality youth education, climate action...



The EATWISE project aims to empower young people with migrant and local background through the use of tools to adopt a sustainable lifestyle that aligns with addressing climate change, while also promoting health. Through online culinary courses, online cooking shows, offline trainings, we will teach plant-based recipes that are...


PLANSHIELD aims to raise awareness about the worrying situation of single-use plastic and provide innovative educational tools for youth workers to work on this issue in their organisations. The project follows the strategy of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in several areas, such as quality youth education, climate action...



The EATWISE project aims to empower young people with migrant and local background through the use of tools to adopt a sustainable lifestyle that aligns with addressing climate change, while also promoting health. Through online culinary courses, online cooking shows, offline trainings, we will teach plant-based recipes that are...


PLANSHIELD aims to raise awareness about the worrying situation of single-use plastic and provide innovative educational tools for youth workers to work on this issue in their organisations. The project follows the strategy of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in several areas, such as quality youth education, climate action...