New project aiming to boost youth political participation – YOAC – approved!

New project aiming to boost youth political participation – YOAC – approved!

This week Mano Europa team participated in the Youth On A Caravan – A journey through political participation” (YOAC) Kick-off meeting. YOAC project is implemented under the Erasmus+ KA3 European Youth Together programme.

During the Kick-off meeting project partners presented their organisations, main field of work, as well as discussed the most important things of the project such us the work plan, upcoming tasks and responsibilities.

Starting from pre-existing successful practices at local level, the project will aim to encourage youth political participation by developing and testing a new experiential model of political and social participation, while improving the connection and exchange between grassroots NGOs at EU level. During the project a concrete connection between young people and policy makers at local and EU level will be established.

Organisations involved in the project:

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