KA205 – Fake the system: EU tools against disinformation

KA205 – Fake the system: EU tools against disinformation

In October, 2021 organisations involved in the project Fake the system: EU tools against disinformation” had an online meeting where we discussed progress of project activities, investigation phase, evaluation and monitoring plan, as well as the dates for the upcoming 2nd TPM in Rome.

During the meeting each organisation presented their findings about the collection and exchange of good practices which were adopted in their countries in order to combat fake news (study of the sources, functioning IT tools for detection of false news, etc.)

Association “Mano Europa” team presented the Evaluation Plan of the project and “MHT Consult APS” from Denmark presented the Monitoring Plan of the project.

The next partner meeting will be implemented in November, 2021.

Shortly about the project:

Fake the system: EU tools against disinformation aims to counteract the disinformation and fake news, especially those that focus on pro-European issues. The danger of manipulating news relating to the European Union is in fact a current and real phenomenon: through the massive use of misleading trend hashtags and unreliable journalistic sources, true European policies in favor of the spread of fake news that foment a climate of dissent towards the community institutions.

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