Call for participants for Youth exchange in SPAIN!
Youth Exchange project “Eurochefs, cooking up an intercultural society through food” aims to create a space of mutual learning between cultures, using non-formal education together with interculturality as a method of helping people with less opportunities who believe in education as a tool to change the world.
The main objectives addressed in this exchange are:
– Development of key competences for normative people as well as for people with difficulties of belonging to any group oppressed and / or excluded from all spaces.
– Improve healthy eating behaviors.
– To provide formal training through the process of the “Title of Food Handler” so that all project members can take it out and incorporate it into their CV.
– Increase the capabilities of time organization and teamwork to have to coordinate large groups to make purchases, menus.
– Educate respect for others in terms of food alternatives either by personal choice or food maladjustment.
– Treat the origins of each person so that individually and in groups they deepen their culture to know where they come from and where they are.