Call for participants for training in Greece!
Training course “Fighting Youth Unemployment through Social Entrepreneurship during & after COVID-19” is for youth workers who are working with young people. The main aim of this project is to educate youth workers in the field of entrepreneurship with a focus on SE. We aim to equip the participants with knowledge of entrepreneurship that they would then pass on to youth. We would also focus on SE so that with the information on SE and with knowledge and skills on entrepreneurship itself, these youth workers could open their own SE and/or help their organisation follow the SE path.
The objectives of this project are:
– To help the youth workers to get hands on thе ‘Dеsign Thinking’ process, by creating business ideas inspired from prе-dеfinеd challenges in thеir local communities.
– Show what it takes to be an entrepreneur and how to manage risk taking.
– To tackle the topics of leadership, Self-empowerment, time management, risk assessment and team work which are all essential in the area of entrepreneurship.
– To help the participants to get an experience on the Canva business model and how to adapt the Canva business model for the planning of a social enterprise.
– Up-skill youth workers to foster the employability and sense of initiative with the young people that they work with.