
Inspiring Environmental Debate at Užusaliai Community Center!

As we continue our journey through this year’s World Environmental Week, this time we want to introduce you to Užusaliai Community Center, where by collaborating with their members we organized an environmental debate. The participants, who happened to be the active and enthusiastic kids from the Užusaliai community, engaged in a discussion on pressing sustainability-related topics, including upcycling, deforestation,...

Exploring Sustainability Through Art!

Exploring Sustainability Through Art: Rudamina F. Ruszczyc Gymnasium's Inspiring Painting Exhibition for World Environment Week Art has the power to convey powerful messages and evoke emotions that words sometimes fail to express. In celebration of World Environment Week, we worked together with Rudamina F. Ruszczyc Gymnasium to showcase the mind of the youngsters in an artistic way. These young artists...

Green Compass for Europe | 2nd newsletter

The last 4 months of "Green compass for Europe" project were very productive and intense. Together with our partners from Greece and Italy we researched sustainable practices for engaging youth in environmental protection and green innovation and sustainable innovation. This resulted in the creation of our booklet of good practices which you can find HERE. Also, in March our team coordinated...

Promoting gender equality in sports

The youth exchange "Equality in Sports" was organized between 30 March - 8 April 2023 in Portugal by Centro Cultural e Desportivo Estrela do Zezere da Boidobra. The project aimed to use sports as a methods and way to overcome inequalities in different areas and to integrate minorities. The practice of sports activities can play a major role in human...

Focus group – youth perception of the EU

🔙 Previous week we organized a focus group for youngsters to gather in-depth knowledge about youth perception of the EU and youth active participation in civic and democratic life. The focus group was based on the findings of the first part of the research implemented through the online questionnaire in the period of January and March of 2023 that...

Best practices for youth engagement in environmental protection

Association "Mano Europa" (Lithuania) together with partners "Hopeland" (Greece) and "Associazione di promozione sociale Kora" (Italy) implementing Erasmus+ Small scale project “Green compass for Europe” Project No. 2022-1-LT02-KA210-YOU-000082589 (hereinafter - Project) that aims to raise awareness about environmental challenges and climate-change among youth, also, to inform, involve and educate youth in the topic of sustainability in our daily lives...

Kviečiame dalyvauti fokuso grupėje/diskucijoje apie jaunimo dalyvavimą politiniuose procesuose!

Asociacija "Mano Europa" šių metų balandžio 5d. 17 val. organizuoja fokuso grupę/diskucijas, renginio metu bus siekiama skatinti jaunų žmonių interesą įsitraukti į politinius procesus. Kas yra fokuso grupė? Fokuso grupė - grupinė diskusija vedama moderatoriaus, pagal iš anksto parengtą pokalbio planą. Tai nedidelė kruopščiai atrinktų dalyvių grupė, kuri prisideda prie atvirų diskusijų pasitelkiant dialogo formą. Fokuso grupės dalyvių skaičius yra ribotas 8-15 dalyvių....

MoMoEU: More Monitoring action in the EU!

Raising awareness and disseminating civic competences for active citizenship is essential to increase the fight against corruption, and young people are a key pillar in this vision. From housing shortages to inequality in education, corruption is at the root of many of the problems facing youth today. Within this framework, we have embarked on a project that aims to empower...

How I can reduce excess clothing and to contribute to circular economy?

Today we would like to share with you an Innovator Spotlight interview with the Fabric Republic! This interview took place as part of the KA2 Erasmus+ Small Scale Partnership "Green Compass for Europe" with the aim to raise awareness among youth about environmental challenges & climate change, and promote their active participation to creating a sustainable future. Fabric Republic is an...

Tyrimas, kuriuos siekiama sužinoti jaunimo žinių lygį apie Europos Parlamentą ir įsitraukimą į politinius procesus!

Šiuo metu MANO EUROPA atlieka tyrimą apie jaunų žmonių žinias apie Europos Parlamentą ir galimybes įsitraukti į politinius procesus! Šio tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti jaunimo žinių lygį ir nustatyti suvokimą apie savo įtaką jaunimo politikai, Europos Sąjungai, Europos Parlamentui ar kitoms Europos institucijoms, demokratiją, įsitraukimą į demokratinius procesus ir kaip tapti aktyviu bendruomenės nariu. Tyrimą atlieka taip pat ir kitos trys...