Open call: project against hate speech in Serbia!
The project “Create against Hate” will aim to increase the skills and knowledge of young people coming from 8 countries to combat hate speech online and offline and promote intercultural dialogue through use of the creative methods.
To strengthen the role of young people in peace-building activities and combat against hate speech
Specific objectives:
• To provide 24 young person from 8 participating countries with the skills and competences to combat discrimination and hate speech and to promote intercultural dialogue through non-formal education
• To equip 24 young person from 8 participating countries with the methodologies of using the creative tools – concept photography and concept video to promote intercultural dialogue and combat discrimination and hate speech
• To activate young people to get take part in the peace-building activities in their own community
Profile of the participants: young people from 8 participating countries – participants should be over with basic knowledge of English, willing to learn, active in their local communities, interested in photography and video; additionally, they should be ready to work in teams, open to new cultures and people of different background, active in their communities.