Call for participants for Training in Strasbourg!
“Youth work on migration” (YWOM) is designed to confront the challenges and opportunities related to migration in Europe. By using different non-formal methods, causes and effects of migration will be analyzed. All aspects will be supported by the latest findings and developments around migration, pointing to various faces and facts of migration: the main roads, the highways of migration, both in geographical terms and concepts, causes and effects of brain drain, labor migration, study and experience, migration driven by poverty and infringement of fundamental and social rights. Through a structured program of activities, this TC aims to develop methods and resources to work closely with international migration and its causes to local community. YWOM is aimed for youth workers, youth leaders and those involved working with migrants in their daily work.
To fulfill the main aim, several objectives were set:
-development of a more tolerant, inclusive and egalitarian society;
-support the reflection among participants on the different dimensions of migration and mobility;
-exchange of good practice in the field of youth related to international migration, mobility and its influence on young people in the EU and in the partner countries and the opportunities arising;
-training of youth workers to better address problems and opportunities arising from migration;
-transfer and development of knowledge of European mobility programs in youth work;
-promotion of European cooperation between NGOs that are in contact with migration and youth mobility;
-the development of new initiatives in the field of youth and mobility within Erasmus +, to give migrants and local youth the same opportunities.