Project Description

The EATWISE project aims to empower young people with migrant and local background through the use of tools to adopt a sustainable lifestyle that aligns with addressing climate change, while also promoting health. Through online culinary courses, online cooking shows, offline trainings, we will teach plant-based recipes that are both climate-friendly and nutritious for youngsters.


1. Raising Environmental Awareness: Cultivate participants’ understanding of environmental impact of food choices within an intercultural perspective
2. Cultural Exchange and Integration: Facilitate shared culinary experiences that contribute to mutual understanding, social cohesion, intercultural dialogue
3. Inclusive Community: Create a supportive environment where local youth and migrants collaboratively explore cultural heritage through food and connect through shared culinary endeavors


  • Research: partners will collect green intercultural practices & recipes through a research with 120 migrants. Findings will be presented in EATWISE Guidebook and Cookbook.
  • Training: we will train 30 youth workers to promote sustainability and intercultural understanding and develop a training module for future use.
  • Sharing: impact will spread through 6 pilot activities(cooking workshops), 12 multiplier events. A collaborative card game and a documentary will be developed for wider dissemination.

Target Groups:

  • Youngsters with fewer opportunities and youngsters aged 18-25 from low income families.

Organisations involved:

Mano Europa [Lithuania]

Associazione Popoli Insieme ODV [Italy]

Agoraveiro [Portugal]

Asociatia “Centrul pentru Dezvoltarea Instrumentelor Structurale” [Romania]

Belen Kaymakamligi [Turkey]


Project budget: 250 000 EUR

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.