[November] Youth exchange in beautiful Sevilla – open call!
The youth exchange “Introduction to Deep Adaptation” aims to encourage young participants to take an active role in their local communities to show the members of their communities their values, thoughts and interest, and become better integrated and accepted. The main goals is to enable youth to express their interest and active citizenship in their local communities to work on cultural diversity, multiculturalism and other basic values.
During the project, the special emphasis will be put on learning by intensely using Youthpass. Several competences of young people are tackled by the activities, like communication, social competence, learning to learn and sense of initiative. During the project will be used non-formal methods that include ice breakers, team buliding activities, brainstorming, discussions, group of work, learning by doing, world café, outdoor activities, presentations, performances, etc.
The expected impact of the project is that motivated and active youth will return after the project and initiate local activities that would lead to their long-term dedication to the sending organisation and learning opportunity for them.