Open call – youth exchange in Spain!

Open call – youth exchange in Spain!

Our main aim of the “Trash Orchestra” project  is to create an awareness on the local community and European level about the environmental awareness and waste management. Thus, the project will contribute to the awareness raising on these issues as well as the recycling and reusing the products which are considered as waste and create an awareness on this aspect as well.

By implementing this project, we aim to increase the awareness of young people as well as the local community through using the universal tool as music. The idea that the participants will co-develop and co-produce new music instruments through the collected garbage from the households in our town and one of the most frequent hiking path in our town. After the collected garbage they will produce musical instruments with the help of our facilitators and they will implement a concert by using these musical instruments. In that sense, the project will create both local awareness on the recycling and disposal of waste and the participants.

With the project we will cover three different themes : climate, environmental awareness and music culture. While covering this themes, we will use the music as a tool and promote and foster the creativity of young people who are interested and talented on music to promote the ideas with an universal tool such as music.

📍 Alcala la Real, Spain.
🗓 Dates: 21-29 May, 2024 (including travel days).
👫 Age: 18-29 years old.
🛫 Travel expenses up to 360 Eur/person, catering and accommodation are financed by the project.

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