The project builds on the project results of the currently still ongoing “You Monitor” KA2-project, i.e. the You-Monitor-Toolkit. This is a non-formal educational toolkit usable by youth workers in order to engage and empower young people in civic anti-corruption (promoting a culture of integrity and developing monitorial communities). Within the upcoming project we will translate such material into interactive and participative digital tools, adapting the contents to the specific national context of all participating countries, and training youth workers (internal and external of the partnership) to use such tools to guide groups of young people through the topics of civic monitoring. Direct target group of the project are youth workers, final beneficiaries are young people.
The “MoMoEU” KA2 project aims to:
- Provide youth workers with simplified and immediately accessible resources for non-formal digital education on culture of integrity and anti-corruption civic monitoring.
- Increase the capacities of youth workers in engaging and empowering youth on active citizenship against corruption through digital tools.
What will you find on the MoMoEU website?
- Videos, simplified theoretical contents, examples from everyday life and questions to encourage reflection around the topics of integrity culture and anti-corruption civic monitoring;
- More than 30 non-formal educational activities to engage young people in a wide variety of settings, from the classroom to summer camps, from youth exchanges to association meetings;
- 2 educational escape games where players will come face to face with many ethical dilemmas, complete FOIA requests, structure advocacy campaigns and much more!
The total budget of the project is 250.000,00 Euro.
Timeline: 15/12/2022 – 14/10/2024