Project Description

PLANSHIELD aims to raise awareness about the worrying situation of single-use plastic and provide innovative educational tools for youth workers to work on this issue in their organisations. The project follows the strategy of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in several areas, such as quality youth education, climate action and responsible consumption and production.


  • Create 3 educational resources (a board game, a multimedia game, a training plan) to address the issue of environmental sustainability, especially in relation to the danger of single-use plastics for our planet.
  • To train 25 youth workers in the application of game-based learning and gamification methodologies to teach serious subjects in an entertaining way.
  • To foster the development of green skills in 100 young people through game-based learning.
  • To raise awareness among youth professionals and young people about the danger to our planet if we do not take appropriate measures to protect it.

1st Newsletter

2nd Newsletter

Organisations involved:

Mano Europa [Lithuania]
Club Deportivo Chañe [Spain]
DamaSistem [Turkey]
Fundacion Eusebio Sacristan [Spain]
PESG [Croatia]

Project budget: 120 000 EUR

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.