Call for participants for Youth exchange in Luxembourg!
The project “Be a pioneer, hack your life for a better future (part 2)” is directly connected to the creativity of the young people and their way of applying problem-solving. The project aims to provide participants with an elevated mindset through participatory workshops where they will improve their basic competences such as mathematics and basic of physics (cooking, planning their budget trip), risk assessment (searching for alternatives) and learning to learn (exploring life hacks related to studying and reflecting on the methods of learning used). The workshops and activities have two layers from which one is to improve the key competences of participants, and the other is to reflect after each workshop and find the analogy of the simple hacks learnt and how to apply them in more complex life scenarios.
During the week of activities, the participants will present, discuss, try out things in practice and reflect on their experiences. The workshops will cover several main domains relevant for young Europeans such as problem solving approach, project management (planning the dream journey), urban orientation, exploring the most convenient way to learn, experience teaching to others and understand the process of learning better. The participants will also experience risk assessment and create their own life hack.
What is a life hack?
A life hack is a strategy or technique adopted in order to manage one’s time and daily activities in a more efficient way.
Advanced Planning Visit: 9-12 January, 2022 (including travel days)
Youth Exchange: 25 January – 2 February. 2022 (including travel days)
The project will provide the participants with a set of skills and competencies relevant for their daily living, a creative approach towards problem-solving and the attitude to apply critical thinking. The project will primary impact the participants, and through the participants it will reach friends, peers and acquaintances.